Our Breeds
These sassy fluff balls are some of the most loving rabbits. They are intelligent, energetic, and highly social. They thrive in the company of other rabbits, so having more than one rabbit is a good idea. Lionheads can also form close bonds with their owners and enjoy as much attention as you can give them! They make great pets and are even good with younger children who understand gentle and calm handling.
Average weight: 3.5 pounds.
Average lifespan: 7 - 9 years.
Flemish Giants
Flemish Giant rabbits are best known for their size. They are also known as "Gentle Giants" and are quite docile, making them wonderful family pets. Friendly and social, Flemish Giants like to spend time outside of the cage with their humans and are the best choice for families with younger children or other pets in the home.
Average weight: 15 - 20 pounds.
Average lifespan: 8 - 10 years.
Netherland Dwarfs
Don't let their size fool you, Netherland Dwarfs have big personalities! In addition to being extraordinarily cute, Netherland Dwarf rabbits are very spunky, energetic, and playful. They are better suited for adult owners, we don't recommend them for a home with young children, as their small size means they can be injured from rough handling. They are also prone to nipping when they feel uncomfortable or threatened.
Average weight: 2.5 pounds.
Average lifespan: 10 –12 years.
Holland Lops
These adorable rabbits can be skittish at times, we recommend them for quiet and calm households with adults or older children. Once they get to know you they're very friendly and thrive on companionship and interaction with their family.
Average weight: 5 pounds.
Average lifespan: 7 -10 years.